Soul Eater Roleplay
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Post by PhoenixEye9 Fri 24 Jan 2014, 1:38 am

-How knowledgable are you of Soul Eater?
Anime: Finished
Manga: Wants but has not found
Soul Eater Not: Will watch the anime and hopefully find the Manga

-How long have you been a user on this website?
Only a few days, but wants to help it grow

-What would you fix?, What would you change?
What I plan to do is listen to/ interact with everyone on site and work with their ideas and build upon that.

-How long have you been roleplaying?
I have always enjoyed roleplaying, probably done it quite often recently, and have also been added to DnD so, I guess quite a bit Razz

-Are you an experienced roleplayer?
I guess you could say I am,

-Do you have any affiliations with the site Administrator, or Moderators?
No, or at least none that Im aware of

-What are your skills?
I'm very easy to get along with and am known to get information when needed

-What are your hobbies?
I range anywhere from a book to video games, climbing trees to sitting at home with music. I just do whatever happens

-What are your advantages that you have over others that would strengthen your chances of being picked?
As I stated I get along with almost everyone, I can work pretty much from 5 year olds up. And I truly just love interacting with everyone.

-Tell me why you would think you would be a great moderator?
I believe I can just help out where I can, and Im more than willing to help. And once again I just love working with people, everyones a great new experience.

Others: I dont have any others to put so Razz


Posts : 144
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2014-01-20
Age : 24

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